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Lynn University
Eugene M. & Christine E. Lynn
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Multi-Touch Book Citations
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Multi-Touch Book Citations
Multi-touch Books@Lynn
Advanced motion graphics- CA 400
Advanced visual effects animation principle- CG 665
Belief and reason: A brief history of the papacy- DBR 400
Belief and reason: Analysis of characters- DBR 300
Business analytics: Communicating with numbers- BUS 322
Business innovation in a digital world- BUS 150
Chemistry I & II- SCI 130X & 131X
Civic engagement & social justice - DJCG 200
Classroom management- EDU415
Comparative politics- POL 302
Communications, strategies & performance- COM 202
Criminalistics lab manual- FOR 230
Critical Thinking- DJC 301
Demystifying Windows 10 and Microsoft Office 2016 Suite- CMS 200
Desperately seeking citations- Ed.D.
Digital marketing strategies and methods- MKT 385
Digital photography: A visual guide- GVC 165
Ed.D. program handbook- Ed.D.
Environmental statistics- ENV340
Feminism: Ideas, beliefs & movements (case studies)- DBR 300
Financial reporting and management decisions- ACC 205
Foundations of U.S. justice - DJC 100
Fundamentals of culinary operations- HA261
Fundamentals of trumpet technique- MUS 201/ 401/ 501/ 601
GIS Workbook
Global human rights- IRPS 220
Global Management- BUS 280
Human anatomy & physiology laboratory manual- SCI 260
International marketing- MKT 392
Introducing the arts to the K-6 classroom
Introduction to Belief Systems-DBR 100
Introduction to criminal justice - CRJ 101
Introduction to education- EDU 101
Introduction to fashion and retail- MKT 101
Introduction to marketing theories and methods- MKT 250
Introduction to the study of world religions - HUM 335
Introductory Statistics- DQR 200
iPulse: The daily heartbeat of Lynn University
iResearch- SOC 200
Language and culture- DJLC
Modern electronic commerce: A primer for business students- BUS 255
Navigating Microsoft Office for the iPad Pro- DQR 200
New media: Trump or triumph?- COM 305/ 336
Organizational communication- COM 330
Personal Finance- DQR 100
Political, legal, and cultural dimensions of international business- BUS 408
Principles of economics- BUS 180
Principles of management and leadership- BUS 270
Professional communication- COM 202/ 275
Religion & morality: Faith and the modern world- HUM 335/420
The renaissance in Florence
Science and Society- DSL 200
Scientific Inquiry- DSL 100
Scientific literacy- DSL 300
Seminar in gender and literature- ENG 405
Societies and Institutions - DSS 200
South America: A focused regional study- MBA 667
Spreadsheet design and presentation techniques using Excel and PowerPoint- CMS 400
Sports marketing- MKT 376
Indian Culture through the lens of Bollywood
Strategic management- MBA 690
Techniques and interventions in counseling- CSL 680
Theories of self - DSS 100
Transitioning from high school to college- IAL
Travel Peru- DJLC
Understanding Communication & media- COM 101
The world we live in- POL 100
World Belief Systems: DBR 200
Your money, your way- LYNN 101
Multi-touch Books@Lynn
Advanced motion graphics- CA 400
Advanced visual effects animation principle- CG 665
Belief and reason: A brief history of the papacy- DBR 400
Belief and reason: Analysis of characters- DBR 300
Business analytics: Communicating with numbers- BUS 322
Business innovation in a digital world- BUS 150
Chemistry I & II- SCI 130X & 131X
Civic Engagement and Social Justice- DJC 200
Classroom management- EDU415
Comparative politics- POL 302
Communications, strategies & performance- COM 202
Criminalistics lab manual- FOR 230
Critical thinking- DJC 301
Demystifying Windows 10 and Microsoft Office 2016 Suite- CMS 200
Desperately seeking citations- Ed.D.
Dialogues of belief & reason- DBRA 100
Dialogues of belief & reason- DBRG 200
Dialogues of justice & civic life- DJCA 100
Dialogues of justice & civic life- DJCG 200
Dialogues of quantitative reasoning- DQR 100
Dialogues of quantitative reasoning- DQR 200
Dialogues of scientific literacy l- DSL 100
Dialogues of scientific literacy II- DSL 200
Dialogues of self and society- DSSA 100
Dialogues of self and society- DSSG 200
Digital marketing strategies and methods- MKT 385
Digital photography: A visual guide- GVC 165
Ed.D. program handbook- Ed.D.
Environmental statistics- ENV340
Feminism: Ideas, beliefs & movements (case studies)- DBR 300
Financial reporting and management decisions- ACC 205
Foundations of U.S. Justice- DJC 100
Fundamentals of culinary operations- HA261
Fundamentals of trumpet technique- MUS 201/ 401/ 501/ 601
The GIS Workbook- ENV 420
Global human rights- IRPS 220
Global management- BUS 280
Human anatomy & physiology laboratory manual- SCI 260
International marketing- MKT 392
Introducing the Arts to the K-6 Classroom-EDU 214 MKT 392
Introduction to Belief Systems- DBR 100
Introduction to criminal justice- CRJ 101
Introduction to education- EDU 101
Introduction to fashion and retail- MKT 101
Introduction to marketing theories and methods- MKT 250
Introduction to the study of world religions- HUM 335
Introductory Statistics- DQR 200
iPulse: The daily heartbeat of Lynn University
iResearch- SOC 200
Language and culture- DJLC
Modern electronic commerce: A primer for business students- BUS 255
Navigating Microsoft Office for the iPad Pro- DQR 200
New media: Trump or triumph?- COM 305/ 336
Organizational communication- COM 330
Personal Finance- DQR 100
Political, legal, and cultural dimensions of international business- BUS 408
Principles of economics- BUS 180
Principles of management and leadership- BUS 270
Professional communication- COM 202/ 275
Religion & morality: Faith and the modern world- HUM 335/420
The renaissance in Florence
Science and Society- DSL 200
Scientific Inquiry- DSL 100
Scientific literacy- DSL 300
Seminar in gender and literature- ENG 405
Societies and Institutions- DSS 200
South America: A focused regional study- MBA 667
Spreadsheet design and presentation techniques using Excel and PowerPoint- CMS 400
Sports marketing- MKT 376
Strategic management- MBA 690
Techniques and interventions in counseling- CSL 680
Theories of self- DSS 100
Transitioning from high school to college- IAL
Travel Peru- DJLC
The world we live in- POL 100
Understanding Communication & Media- COM 101
World Belief Systems- DBR 200
Your money, your way- LYNN 101
Advanced motion graphics- CA 400 >>