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Find a Publisher

If you have written an article but are not sure where to publish it, try these tools:

  • BISON Open Access Journal Finder. Find an open-access journal; enter the title, abstract, and/or references of your paper.
  • JSTOR Text Analyzer. Upload a document and the tool will find similar content in JSTOR. Look at the journals those papers are published in.
  • Jane (Journal Author/Name Estimator). Enter the title and/or abstract of the paper in the box, and click on 'Find journals', 'Find authors' or 'Find Articles'. Jane will then compare your document to millions of documents in PubMed to find the best matching journals, authors or articles
  • Elsevier Journal Finder. It uses a machine learning algorithm to create a matching profile based on your abstract and title. Then it generates a list of up to 40 recommended journals for you to publish your research in. The list is automatically ranked with the best matching journal for your research at the top of the list (but you can sort the list based on other preferences).
  • IEEE Publication Recommender. Search 200+ periodicals and 2000+ conferences. Compare critical points such as Impact Factor and Submission-To-Publication Time.
  • ChronosHub Journal Finder. The Journal Finder Beta is a free service to guide authors through the journal selection and submission process. You can browse, search, filter, sort, and compare more than 40,000 journals to find the right journal. 

Publicizing Your Research:





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