Faculty scholarship is reviewed based on the Faculty Evaluation Policy. However, specific guidelines as per the rigor and amount of scholarship required for advancement in rank are provided in the documents linked below.
Use this short online form to report any scholarly work you do, including publications, presentations, performances, and other creative work.
No matter where you share your scholarly activities, it is your responsibility to make a clear case that they are scholarly in nature and peer-reviewed. Remember, scholars from other fields will be reviewing your promotion portfolio, scholarly reporting form, or Lynn Minute post, and it may not be clear to them the importance of your scholarly work or that it is peer-reviewed in nature. When reporting peer-reviewed work, consider indicating that it underwent peer review.
When reporting a scholarly activity, consider asking for advice from:
When reporting a peer-reviewed journal article, it is very helpful to include a link after the citation to the peer-review page of the journal:
Rosenbeck, B. (2018). Liberalization of divorce. Scandinavian Journal of History, 43(1), 18–39. https://doi.org/10.1080/03468755.2017.1318338 (peer-reviewed)