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Lynn University Archives

Transfer Records to Archives

Inactive records that have been identified for their enduring historical value shall be transferred to the University Archives upon approval of the University Archivist.  University records and the boxes or envelopes in which they are transferred to the Archives shall be clearly identified and labeled before transfer, and departments transferring records to the Archives shall supply the Archives with a complete inventory of the records being transferred.  When records are not approved for archival retention, the sending department will be notified and allowed to decide whether the materials are to be returned or discarded/shredded.  Depending on the rate of record accumulation, records will be sent to the Archives annually or on a schedule agreed on by the office representative and the Archivist.

Physical records may be transferred to the Archives via Interoffice mail or you can drop off records to the Archives (1st floor of library, west of the Alumni Room). The Archivist can also coordinate a pick-up by the Facilities department if needed.

Electronic records can be transferred in a few different ways. Contact the Archivist to discuss the best method of transfer for your situation. All files should be properly labeled. 

All records must be accompanied by the following information:

  1. Dates;
  2. Author or creator;
  3. Content information;
  4. Any known restrictions to access;
  5. Name of Staff and/or Department sending the media.


What NOT to Transfer to Archives

  • Non-permanent records: these should eventually be shredded/recycled/destroyed. The destruction date is based on the records retention schedule.
  • Documents not related to Lynn, such as publications by external organizations that don’t feature Lynn.
  • Records transitory in nature, having no long-term retention value.
  • More than 2 copies of anything. Please send items listed above, but we don't need 10 copies of Lynn Magazine. 
  • Plaques, trophies, or framed awards. Instead, send a photograph of the achievement to the Archives for documentation purposes.
  • Personnel files or student records. These are not archival records.
  • Active records. If your department regularly uses the record, please do not transfer it to the Archives until you no longer regularly need to access it.