In-text citations (placed in your paper wherever you are quoting or paraphrasing a source)
Reference list citations (placed at the end of your paper in an alphabetized reference list)
"Paraphrasing" includes describing someone else's idea in your own words.
A quotation requires a "locator" which is the exact page number or paragraph number of the quote
In APA, reference citations are not a list of sources you read! Only include a source in your reference list if you quoted or paraphrased that source with an in-text citation in your paper.
The author name and year in the reference list citation and in-text citation must be the same. If you make a correction to the author and/or date in one of your references, you must also edit all of the corresponding in-text citations.
Citing paraphrased information:
(Author, Year).
Citing a direct quote:
(Author, Year, p. 3). OR (Author, Year, para. 3).
Paraphrasing a source with TWO AUTHORS:
(Tindall & Curtis, 2019).
Paraphrasing a source with THREE OR MORE AUTHORS:
(Amida et al., 2021).
Paraphrasing a source authored by a GROUP/ORGANIZATION:
(U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2020).
Paraphrasing a source with NO DATE:
(U.S. Department of Homeland Security, n.d.).
Author. (Date). Title. Source. URL
Reference list citation for a journal article with THREE OR MORE AUTHORS:*
Amida, A., Appianing, J., & Marafa, Y. (2022). Testing the predictors of college students' attitudes toward plagiarism. Journal of Academic Ethics, 20(1), p. 85-99.
Reference list citation for an online article/webpage with ONE AUTHOR:
Bailey, J. (2022, July 6). 5 things new students need to know about plagiarism. Plagiarism Today.
Reference list citation for a source with a GROUP AUTHOR:
U. S. Department of Homeland Security. (2014, November 28). What is plagiarism?
Reference list citation for a source with a NO DATE:
U. S. Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). Students.