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Entry in a dictionary or encyclopedia with a group author

For a dictionary/encyclopedia that is updated continuously:

Organization. (Year, Month Day). Title of the entry. In Title of reference work in italics. Publisher Name. Retrieved Month date, year, from URL


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Interjection. In dictionary. Retrieved March 3, 2020, from

  • In-text paraphrase: (Merriam-Webster, n.d.).
  • In-text quote: (Merriam-Webster, n.d., Definition 1).

Note. When an online reference work is continuously updated include a retrieval date. For dictionaries and encyclopedias that are NOT updated continuously, omit the retrieval date.

Example dictionary/encyclopedia NOT updated continuously:

Author. (Year, Month Day). Title of the entry. In Editor (Ed.), Title of reference work in italics (edition, page numbers). Publisher Name. URL.


Encyclopedia Britannica. (2018). Top 10 pro & con arguments: Should prostitution be legal? In 

  • In-text paraphrase: (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2018). 
  • In-text quote: (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2018, Pro 1 section, para. 2).

Note. Entries at are not updated continuously. The entries show the date most recently updated; use that date in the citation.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2017). Abstract art. In Britannica concise encyclopedia. Britannica Digital Learning.

  • In-text paraphrase: (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 2017).
  • In-text quote: (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 2017, para. 1).

Note. The dictionary author is typically an organization (ex. Merriam-Webster). If the author and publisher are the same, omit the publisher.


Entry in a dictionary or encyclopedia with an individual author(s)

Author. (Year, Month Day). Title of the entry. In Editor (Ed.), Title of reference work in italics (edition, page numbers). Publisher Name. URL.


Huth, G. (2019). Plagiarism. In R. Kostelanetz (Author), A Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes. Routledge.

  • in-text paraphrase: (Hugh, 2019).
  • in-text quote: (Hugh, 2019, para. 2).

Thakchoe, S. (2016). The theory of two truths in Tibet. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. (Summer 2019 ed.). Stanford University.

  • In-text paraphrase: (Thakchoe, 2016).
  • In-text quote: (Thakchoe, 2016, Implications section, para. 4).

Note. Click "Author and Citation Info" to get the current edition date for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


Google Dictionary Boxes

What is a Google Definition Box?

  • When you search for a definition in Google, you may find what Google calls "Definition Boxes."
  • These are definitions that Google gets from other sources, often listed at the top of a dictionary box.

Can I cite the Google definition?

  • We do not recommend you use these definitions; they do not meet the rigorous standards of a print or online dictionary.
  • Go to the source of the definition or use a reputable dictionary.


If you MUST cite the Google dictionary box definition, use this format:

Name of source [listed at the top of the dictionary box]. (n.d.). Title of the entry. Google Dictionary Box. Retrieved Month, Day, Year from URL.

Wikipedia entry

Page name. (Year, Month Day). In Wikipedia. URL

Example archived entry:

Amina. (2020, February 7). In Wikipedia

  • In-text paraphrase: ("Amina," 2020).
  • In-text quote: ("Amina," 2020, Modern Cultural Depictions section, para. 2).

Note. Cite the archived version of the page so that readers can retrieve the version you used. To access the archived version, select "View history" and select the time and date of the version you used. If a wiki does not have an archived version, then use the entry URL and the retrieval date.